Sophia gagged as she held her head over the basin. “Aly!” she called, “I don’t think you cooked that chicken properly!” Sophia was rarely ill, and being sick was the one thing she hated most in the world – apart from Hank Goddard. Asshol… she was distracted by another flood of vomit that splashed into the toilet. “Aly, I don’t think I can go to work today!”
“Are you sure? It’s only your second day, your boss wouldn’t be too happy…”
“Uh, fine! I suppose you’re right.”
After only an hours more sleep Sophia forced herself to get dressed and hopped into the carpool. She threw up again a couple more times at the theatre, and her friend advised her to take a pregnancy test. Sophia scoffed at the idea – there’s no way, it’s not possible… is it? She rushed to the local supermarket and bought the test – turns out she had some big news for Aly!

“Oh hey babe, how come you’re home so early?” Aly asked, looking up from his book.
“Urm, well I have something to tell you…” Sophia said hesitantly.
“Me too! It’s really important.”
“Go on then…” she sighed.
“Well, it’s about Hank. And Patricia… I knew.”
“I knew they were engaged, I heard it from some girl at work. I knew before you even told me you guys were getting together. I know I should have told you before any of this happened but it would have killed me to hurt you that badly…”
“It would have killed YOU?!” Sophia screamed, Aly reached out to hold her hand but she pulled away quickly, “don’t touch me! I want nothing to do with you.”
“Sophia, wait, I can explain.” Aly pleaded, but she was already walking off into the distance – but she remembered something and turned around. “Oh, and by the way. You want to know my news? I’m PREGNANT!”
Aly stood on the pavement, his arms reached out towards her as though was trying to cling on to every part of her that he could. He was speechless as a single tear rolled down his face.

The water lapped at her feet as she dug her toes into the warm sand. Sophia had only lived in Sunset Valley for three days and she was already sick of it. She’d had nothing but bad luck since she’d got here – a cheating ‘boyfriend’, a lying best mate and an unplanned pregnancy that she could never afford. But deep down Sophia knew that Aly had never meant to hurt her, and she’d felt absolutely awful as she’d walked away earlier. Maybe it was time to forgive and forget, time to go home to her best friend, or boyfriend, or whatever he was to her now. As Sophia walked up towards the nearly empty piece of land that her and Aly called home, she saw a shadow move across the ground. A burglar! She quickly grabbed her mobile and dialed 999. She saw the man move into the bathroom and she took the opportunity to run and wake up Aly.
“What is it?” Aly grunted, rolling away from Sophia’s hand. “Go away.”
“Wake up Aly!” Sophia urged in the loudest whisper she could manage. “Aly for God’s sake, wake up!”
Finally Alejandro sat up, “what’s wrong?” he asked, staring at Sophia through sleep filled eyes. “A burglar that’s what’s wrong! I’ve called the police, I don’t know what else to do! He’s in the bathroom.” she explained. “Oh shit!” Aly jumped out of bed and began to make his way towards the bathroom. The man emerged with a giant loot-filled bag, saw Aly and ran as fast as he could towards his getaway car. Just as he turned the engine on, Sophia saw the flashing blue lights rushing up the hill – but so did the burglar, and he drove away as fast as his car would take him.
Just when they thought it couldn’t get any worse, Sophia smelt burning. She turned around to see the stove in flames, “ALY! Oh my God!”
“Crap! I must have left some food on, call the fire brigade!” – But Sophia already had her phone in her hand and was dialling the number for the second time that night.

Finally, everything was over and Sophia and Aly were in bed trying to get to sleep.
“Sophia,” Aly said, poking her to see if she was awake.
“What?” she replied, rolling over to face him.
“Will you marry me?”
She smiled, “of course”, and kissed him.

Days passed with very little happening. Sophia was placed on maternity leave and continued to contribute to the family income by playing her guitar for tips at the park. This continued as normal, until one day…

This is Alia Manzana, she has the traits Easily Impressed and Disciplined (I rolled both randomly as I got to choose, and I will always do this if I have the opportunity). All babies tend to look the same in The Sims 3, so I’m desperate for her to grow up so I can see what she really looks like – but for now I can see that she has a nice blend of both parent’s skin tones 🙂

Now that Alia had arrived, Sophia was able to fit into her wedding dress. As they knew very few people in Sunset Valley, they opted for a beautiful private ceremony on the beach.

“Today, Sophia, I join my life to yours, not merely as your husband, but as your friend, your lover, and your confidant. Let me be the shoulder you lean on, the rock on which you rest, the companion of your life. With you I will walk my path from this day forward.” Aly smiled as he slipped the gold band around Sophia’s finger. They embraced, listening to the splash of the waves behind them. This was the happiest day of Sophia’s life, and she still kept pinching herself to check that it wasn’t a dream.

Sophia bounded out of bed in the morning, desperate to let Alejandro in on all the details of yesterday.
“He’s amazing, Aly! Honestly, the most stunning eyes ever! I seriously think you guys could be such good friends.” Sophia babbled as she poured cereal into her bowl.
“I doubt it.” Aly muttered under his breath. He was trying to drown out Sophia’s words by banging his plate around as much as possible, but it wasn’t really working. He pretended to be interested, as he wanted her to be happy, but he couldn’t help the anger bubbling up inside of him. He knew Hank Goddard, and he also knew his fiancee Pauline Wan. Alejandro didn’t know how to tell Sophia, or even if he should at all. He knew that a good friend would tell her, but maybe she needed to make her own mistakes? He’d tried to protect her all her life, like a brother would, but she couldn’t be bubblewrapped forever. Besides, he knew he felt more than friendship for Sophia, but she was allowed to make her own choices and he shouldn’t get in the way of her living her own life. “I need the toilet,” Aly grumbled, but Sophia was already on the phone to Hank.

“Yeah, yeah, no it’s fine honestly! I’m sure he won’t mind. Yeah of course. OK, cool, see you in a bit then!” Sophia’s grin covered her entire face as she ended the call with Hank. Could this be it? Was this what true love felt like? She sure hoped so, as she dashed off to get changed. When she came back, Hank was already there, leaning casually against the mailbox. He was so gorgeous, she could barely contain her excitement!
“Hey,” gasped Sophia, her brown eyes twinkling in the sunlight.
“Hey beautiful,” crooned Hank, and he leaned forward pulling her chin upwards. As their lips suddenly pressed together, Sophia was about to explode with happiness. She actually began to feel dizzy and had to hold on to his arm to steady herself.

Alejandro slowly turned and walked back into the bathroom. It was probably the safest place to be if you wanted to avoid the make out session that was rapidly continuing outside. He felt sick, angry and heart-broken all at the same time. But he’d seen that beautiful smile spread over Sophia’s face when her and Hank had pulled apart, and Aly couldn’t bring himself to break her heart just yet. He stayed in the bathroom until he heard the carpool pull up outside.
“Come on Sophia, we’ll be late,” Aly called, choosing not to look back at Sophia draping herself all over Hank.
“Yeah just two seconds!” Sophia shouted back, giggling like a child.
“We don’t have two seconds.” He shouted aggressively.
“Alright moody-pants, keep your hair on!” Sophia called, seemingly ignoring the anger in Aly’s voice. She practially skipped to the car and barely said a word to Alejandro all the way there, she was far too busy staring out of the window at the clouds.

After work, Sophia thought she’d surprise Hank with some chocolates and a DVD at his place for a change. He hadn’t ever mentioned his address, but a guy from work mentioned that he often played football with Hank so Sophia had asked him instead. It was a cute little place, right on the beach front, and Sophia immediately started imagining Hank and herself walking their children on the sand – twins ideally, both girls, with matching names. She’d thought about this all day at work and practically had their whole lives planned out! Sophia rang the doorbell and waited a little while, before a small dark-haired woman answered.
“Oh hi there!” Sophia beamed, “are you Hank’s sister?” The woman threw her head back with laughter, then looked Sophia up and down.
“No, I’m not sweetie, who are you?”
“I’m Sophia, his sort-of girlfriend – not quite official yet but I’m working on it! Are you his roomie then? He must have told you all about me!” She giggled, waiting for a response from the woman, but she didn’t smile back.
“Is this a joke?” she said, her voice low and threatening.
“Is what a joke? Me and Hank? No, of course not… why would it be?” Sophia replied, frowning with confusion.
“Oh I don’t know, maybe because I’m his fiancee?” The woman said sarcastically, “my name’s Pauline Wan and me and Hank have been engaged for six months now.” Sophia’s heart sunk to the pit of her stomach and she tried to process what Pauline had just told her.
“Are you serious?”
“Of course I’m serious, I swear to God when Hank gets home you have no idea…”

Sophia didn’t even let the woman finish her sentence before she started running. She ran and ran, her feet pounding the ground so hard that it hurt, tears streaming down her face. Eventually, she made it home where Aly turned around from the stove with a plate of spaghetti in his hand.
“Oh hey, Sophia! I didn’t know when you’d be getting home so I’ve put some in the fridge for you if you… what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Aly exclaimed.
“He… he… engaged… Pauline…” Sophia blubbed, wiping the tears that were still flooding from her eyes. Aly didn’t say anything else, and just took her in his arms. Sophia bit her trembling lip as she felt his strong arms close around her. This is what she wanted, someone just as kind and caring and honest as Aly… or was it just Aly? She pulled back, looking into his eyes. Sure, Hank’s might have been that nice shade of blue that she liked, but Aly’s were more than that. They were dark, so dark they were nearly black, and deeper than the ocean.
“Aly,” Sophia whispered. Alejandro pressed his finger to her lips and brought her face close to his.

Soon enough, one thing led to another and what Sophia had been waiting for happened, with the person she never thought it would do. But it felt so right, beyond right. She could not believe how she hadn’t seen it sooner, it wasn’t Hank, it wasn’t anyone else. It was Aly, her Aly.

This is Sophia Breckenridge and Alejandro Manzano. Best friends since birth the two have moved to Sunset Valley in hopes of finding a new life for themselves. Sophia wants to channel her inner celebrity into becoming the most talented rock star the world has ever seen, while Alejandro has slightly less ambitious dreams of having his own local restaurant, famed for its cultural cuisine.

“Don’t you think we should go job hunting, Sophia? You know, get a bit of money coming in to start us off?” asked Alejandro.
“Well yeah, sure. But I wouldn’t know where to start. I mean, I’m so talented someone’s just bound to spot me on the street and snap me up right away!” Sophia joked, flicking her dark brown locks away from her face. Alejandro chuckled.
“Okay, have fun with that! Why don’t you try the local theatre? I heard they have a few gigs there now and again, maybe they can help you out.”
“Oh you are such a lifesaver, Aly! What would I do without you!” Sophia giggled, planting a glossy kiss on Alejandro’s cheek. “Oops! Sorry!” Her hand automatically reached up to wipe the sticky gloss from his cheek, but his hand caught her arm midway.
“Don’t worry about it,” he muttered, his own hand half-heartedly smudging the stain away.

Sophia really didn’t get Alejandro sometimes. They were best friends and all, but sometimes he just went all strange… quiet and moody. And he’d give her this look, all smouldering and angry but with a soft centre. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what it meant but it made her feel all uncomfortable inside, but in the nicest way.

“So,” Alejandro said, breaking the silence. “Where were we? Oh yeah, job hunting.” Alejandro called two cabs, hopped in his and sped away from Sophia. Putting what had just happened to the back of his mind, he asked the driver to recommend any local cafe’s or restaurants, and to be dropped off at the best one in town. This happened to be the bistro, right on the corner of the town centre. Alejandro had almost no cooking experience, but the head chef Molly French could see his obvious passion and raw talent. She gave him an offer so long as he read up on a few recipies before his first shift. Alejandro excitedly bounced off to the library just across the road, and jumped right in to the first cookery book he could find.

Sophia got out of her cab at the theatre Alejandro had told her about. She stood outside for a moment or two, gazing up at the tall building. “So this is where my dream begins…” she thought, “going to take a lot of hard work to move out of this dump.” Sophia came back out of the theatre newly employed and full of optimism. Although learning to play the guitar was one of the requirements for her position, she couldn’t quite afford one at the moment and decided to meet the locals instead. Straight outside the theatre stood her first target, a man named Hank Goddard who Sophia thought was drop-dead gorgeous. She casually strolled up to him and struck up a conversation. Being the charming girl that she was, Hank didn’t find it unusual that a complete stranger had just started talking to him out of nowhere, and began to speak back. They talked for what seemed like hours and soon became good friends. Sophia couldn’t stop staring into his gorgeous blue eyes and kept stuttering when she answered his questions.

Soon enough it was time for Sophia to head home, and she tried to hold on for as long as she could when she gave Hank a hug goodbye. He took her number and with a cheeky smile promised to call her soon. She called another cab and sat giggling like a schoolgirl in the backseat all the way home. She couldn’t wait to tell Alejandro how amazing her day had been, but when she got home all she found was some lukewarm goopy carbonara on the counter and a note from Aly saying that he’d waited up for her as long as he could, but he was tired and had an early start in the morning. She sighed and slowly climbed into her bed. Sophia gazed up at the stars as she lay there, wondering what tomorrow would bring.